Tag: Funerals

In Israel, a growing trend has emerged where individuals attend funerals of fallen soldiers they do not personally know, out of a sense of duty to the country and its army.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the important lesson he has learned from officiating at hundreds of funerals - that people remember moments, not days.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives.
The author reflects on their experiences attending funerals with their father in the 1970s in the Bronx, where they observed a sense of Jewish identity and cultural nostalgia among mourners.
In the discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, they delve into the concept of resilience in the face of loss, particularly focusing on how soldiers cope with trauma from combat in Gaza and the emotional impact of attending funerals for fallen soldiers in Israel.
The text reflects on the decline of the Jewish Bronx in the 1970s through the lens of the author's father, a rabbi who officiated at funerals in the area.