Tag: German Government

A recent report by the German government's Office for the Protection of the Constitution indicates a significant increase in extremist crimes in 2023, partially attributed to the Israel-Hamas war and its impact on the social climate in Germany.
The German government has agreed to allocate a record $1.5 billion in Holocaust reparations this year, with a focus on increased support for survivors' medical expenses.
In "Cracking the Code," author Gershom Gorenberg sheds light on a little-known aspect of World War II, exploring how advanced digital pioneers and codebreakers played a crucial role in preventing the Nazis from conquering the Middle East.
"Musa Hadid: Mayor of Ramallah" is a documentary showcasing the efforts of Mayor Musa Hadid to revitalize his city and promote inclusivity.
The documentary "Mayor" explores the life of Musa Hadid, the Mayor of Ramallah, who is known for his determination to improve the city and create a festive atmosphere for everyone, including a Christmas celebration.
In "Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East," former White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf, Philip Gordon, argues against the idea of undertaking regime change in the Middle East.
Max Czollek delves into the intricate relationship between modern Germany and German Jews, addressing topics such as Holocaust memory, minority identity, radical diversity, art, and politics in his book, "De-integrate Yourselves."
In her book "Reporting the Middle East on High Heels," Ksenia Svetlova, a former Member of Knesset and journalist, shares her firsthand experiences and insights on the Middle East.
Anders Persson examines the evolution of European Union (EU) policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 1967 to the present.
Anders Persson delves into the evolution of EU policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 1967 to the present, showcasing the intricate diplomatic challenge it poses for the European Union.
"The Teacher" by Michal Ben Naftali delves into the enduring impact of collective trauma and memories that linger long after individuals pass away.
In the novel "The Teacher" by Michal Ben Naftali, the author explores the lasting impact of collective trauma and memories that never fade.
The Tel Aviv Review hosts Germany's Ambassador to Israel, Dr. Susanne Wasum-Rainer, discussing Germany's vision at the start of its EU Council Presidency, challenges to the post-war global order, German-Israel relations, and her professional connection to Israel.
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, Germany's Ambassador to Israel, Dr. Susanne Wasum-Rainer, discusses Germany's vision at the start of its Presidency of the Council of the EU, challenges to the post-war global order, German-Israel relations, and her personal connection to Israel.
Oded Eran, a former Ambassador to the EU and Jordan, discusses Israeli foreign policy in relation to various nations including the Middle East, India, China, the EU, the Palestinians, and the US, while considering the potential impacts of annexation and COVID-19 on Israel's global standing.
In this podcast episode, Muriel Asseburg of the German foreign policy think tank SWP discusses the challenges faced by the EU in dealing with conflicts in the Middle East, such as Syria, Yemen, and Libya, while also trying to maintain a clear stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The European Union is grappling with its approach towards Israel and Palestine in the context of the stagnant peace process.
The European Union maintains a close relationship with Israel but faces challenges in advancing the Middle East peace process.
The Israel-EU relationship, stemming from their post-World War II founding ideals, is complex, characterized by strong economic ties but political tensions.
The relationship between Israel and the European Union, both established post-World War II, has been characterized by strong economic connections but political tensions.
Many young Israeli Jews are choosing to move to Germany, three generations after the Holocaust, raising questions about their motivations and how they justify their decisions.
Young Israeli Jews, three generations post-Holocaust, are increasingly relocating to Germany, prompting questions about their motivations and the reactions in Israel.
Holocaust survivor Ben Peres' inmate jacket from Dachau concentration camp was discovered at an estate sale in Long Island, four decades after his death, by a collector who alerted the Kupferberg Holocaust Center of Queensborough Community College.