Tag: German Literature

Peter Demetz, a Czech-born Jewish historian who passed away at 101, delved into the complex history of Prague, highlighting the conflicts between German and Czech factions and the persecution faced by the Jewish population.
Gregor von Rezzori, a writer born in 1914 in Czernowitz, experienced the demise of the Hapsburg empire and became a refugee early in life, never able to return home to the lost world he nostalgically romanticized.
Joseph Roth, a talented yet troubled writer, is described as a mournful figure by Volker Weidermann in his book "Ostend."
In a discussion on the Tel Aviv Review, host Gilad Halpern and Vivian Liska, a professor of German literature, delve into the theme of Jewish exile as a metaphor in her upcoming book.
The text discusses various perspectives on Franz Kafka and his works, challenging common perceptions and myths surrounding the author.