Tag: Gilad Halpern

Dr. Yarden Enav, an anthropologist, talks about his book "Israeliness in No Man's Land: Citizenship in the West Bank of Israel/Palestine" on the Tel Aviv Review.
Prof. Zvi Ziegler, a mathematics professor at the Technion, discusses the impact of international calls for academic boycotts on Israeli academia with host Gilad Halpern.
Nimrod Lin, a doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, delves into the historical roots of Israel's demographic concerns within Zionism.
Dr. Ori Goldberg, an expert on political Islam, discusses the Islamic State group's emergence as a new face of radical Islam with host Gilad Halpern.
Gabriel Mitchell, a doctoral fellow, explores Israel's challenge of balancing security needs with economic potential due to significant offshore gas discoveries.
Dr. Sara Shadmi-Wortman from Oranim Academic College delves into the significance of community research and its impact on enhancing social cohesion and quality of life in Israel.
Dr. Merav Ben-Nun, an educator and founder of a Jewish-Arab school in Haifa, explores the benefits and challenges of bilingual education with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Rachel Back, an English literature lecturer at Oranim Academic College, explores the connection between poetry, education, and social progress in a conflicted region.
Prof. William Miles from Northeastern University delves into the complexities of the Druze community's integration in modern Israel in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern, amid the challenges posed by 21st-century Israel, the dynamics between Jews and Arabs, regional turmoil, and adapting to a contemporary economy.
Dr. Azriel Bermant, a historian and professor at Tel Aviv University, delves into his book "Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East" with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on the interactions between the renowned British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Israel, and the Arab world.
Dr. Guy Ziv, an international relations professor, explores the ongoing debate within Israel's political and military domains regarding peacemaking policies, noting the conflicting approaches taken.
Historian Prof. David Tal challenges the notion that Israel could have prevented the Yom Kippur War by responding to Anwar Sadat's peace initiatives, questioning if this belief is merely a hindsight-based myth.
Dr. Shira Klein from Chapman University in California talks with host Gilad Halpern about innovative methods for teaching about Israel to American undergraduate students.
Dr. Ariela Keysar discusses the significant but overlooked influence of grandparents on the political views of college students in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Tamir Libel discusses the concept of "strategic culture" and its impact on policy-making in national security, both in Israel and globally, with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Uta Larkey from Goucher College talks about the migration of Jewish displaced persons from Germany to Palestine after World War II in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Prof. Csaba Nikolenyi of Concordia University and the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies discusses with host Gilad Halpern the impact of party swapping on Israel's political stability.
Sam Fleischacker, a philosophy professor, explores the relevance of sacred texts for modern, rational individuals in his book "The Good and the Good Book."
Dr. Itzick Shai, an archaeologist from Ariel University in Israel, discusses the community-focused archaeology project at Tel Burna on a podcast.
Dr. Aidan Beatty, an expert in Irish and Jewish nationalisms, highlights the similarities between Zionism and Irish nationalism in a discussion with host Gilad Halpern.
Prof. Meira Polliack of Tel Aviv University explores the interactions between Islam and Judaism in the 9th and 10th centuries, highlighting the emergence of the Karaites as the first Jewish fundamentalists.
Religions scholar Shai Ferraro from Tel Aviv University discusses the rise of pagan rituals in modern Israel and their juxtaposition with Judaism’s historical aversion to idolatry.
Professor Joel Migdal discusses his book "Shifting Sands: The United States in the Middle East" with host Gilad Halpern, highlighting how American foreign policy is reflected in the region.
Dr. David Hadar discusses the impact of Jewish-American novelist Philip Roth on Israeli-Arab author Sayed Kashua, exploring similarities in their literary styles and personas.
Dr. Daniel Schiffman, an economic historian from Ariel University, discusses the impact of Jewish-American advisers on Israel's economy in a forthcoming book with host Gilad Halpern.