Tag: Gush Katif

Former Gaza Strip settlers are calling for the rebuilding of settlements in Gaza in the wake of Israel's current conflict with Hamas.
The article shares a story about the collaboration between women from a deeply religious community and a secular kibbutz in Israel during the war.
With the recent ground invasion in Gaza aimed at eliminating Hamas, there is concern about what will happen in Gaza after Hamas is defeated.
This article discusses the observance of shemitah, the seventh year in the agricultural cycle when Jewish farmers are expected to let their land lie fallow.
This article features interviews with four Israeli farmers who observe the shemitah year, a Sabbatical year when farming is prohibited in accordance with Jewish law.
The Haggadah, traditionally thought to have been solidified in the 1st to 3rd centuries CE, has continued to evolve over the centuries, with newer additions reflecting contemporary issues and aspirations.
The article reflects on the 10-year anniversary of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and the emotional impact it had on different sectors of Israeli society.
Ruthi Cohen, a devoted woman with a deep faith, is at the center of a narrative detailing the life and tragedy of her family in Gush Katif.