Tag: Hagar

The discussion examines the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, particularly focusing on the work of Dr. Musallam Abu Khalil, a UNRWA doctor running a primary care clinic in a refugee camp.
In his exploration of a Torah meditation in wartime, Dan Ornstein reflects on the biblical story of Yishmael in the desert and the moral implications of judging a person based on their present actions versus their potential future deeds.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their connection to the biblical figures of Miriam and Hagar and their own experiences as a Jew from the South.
The article explores the relationship between Abraham and his sons, Isaac and Ishmael.
The text explores a different perspective on the story of the binding of Isaac (Akeidat Yitzchak), focusing on Avraham's loyalty to God as tested through his actions towards his son Yishmael and concubine Hagar.