Tag: Haredi Communities

A House resolution denouncing antisemitism was passed with bipartisan support, but 92 House Democrats, including Jewish members, voted "present" in protest.
Haredi communities in New York City have shown an unprecedented outpouring of support for Israel following the recent Hamas attack.
A recent investigation by the New York City Department of Education found that 18 yeshivas (Orthodox Jewish schools) failed to provide adequate secular instruction to their students.
A growing movement of women in Haredi communities is challenging the gendered inequality in text-based learning opportunities.
The upcoming mayoral race in New York City presents a critical test for the city's Orthodox Jewish voting bloc, which has historically been influential in local elections.
A 16-year-old Jewish boy was beaten in Forest Hills, Queens, by a group of around 20 teens, with witnesses reporting chants of "Kill the Jew" during the attack.