Tag: Holiness

The author reflects on the process of planning a wedding compared to the planning of an engagement, highlighting the detailed emphasis on the laws of engagement (kiddushin) in Jewish law.
The author reflects on their preconceived notions about food, holiness, and religious practices influenced by their Christian upbringing before converting to Judaism and embracing kosher observance.
A former rabbi shares his family's experience and decision to hold a secular wedding for their daughter who married a non-Jew, despite their observant Jewish background.
On Yom Kippur, a day of fasting and prayer, many struggle with food cravings despite the solemnity of the occasion.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible Leviticus emphasizes the concept of holiness found in Vayikra, arguing that holiness is achieved through human submission to the divine and the willingness to sacrifice.
Dr. Michael Satlow, a religious studies professor at Brown University, explains the historical processes that led to the Bible becoming regarded as a holy and sacred text.