Daily Podcasts Video search
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/28/24 – Shiur 485 – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? | Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos | Combating domestic abuse in our community 27 Sep
The episode explores the nuanced halachic issues of whether showering is permissible on Yom Tov, the ethics of giving unhealthy food to individuals at risk, ...
27 Sep
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/21/24 – Shiur 484 – Ayin Hara – is it a real thing? Should we be concerned? How does it relate to Rosh Hashana and Tashlich? 19 Sep
Ayin Hara, or the Evil Eye, is discussed in Jewish texts and has implications for Jewish practices, but views on its impact and ways to combat it vary. Guest...
19 Sep
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/14/24 – Shiur 483 – Do women have a Yeitzer Hara? Does Shmiras Einayim also apply to girls and women? Or, is it only a male problem? 13 Sep
The episode explores whether the concept of 'Shemiras Einayim' (guarding one's eyes) applies to women as it does to men and delves into varying perspectives ...
13 Sep
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/7/24 – Shiur 482 – Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | El Al price gouging 6 Sep
This episode explores the Jewish legal and ethical implications of visiting the Har Habayis, with contrasting perspectives from Rabbi Shlomo Aviner and Rabbi...
6 Sep
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/24/24 – Shiur 481 –Ozempic and weight loss injections – wonder drugs or a failure of our generation? 29 Aug
In this episode of Halacha Headlines, the discussion revolves around the implications of using medications like Ozempic for weight loss from halachic, medica...
29 Aug
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/24/24 – Shiur 480 – Is therapy good or bad? Has the mental health industry lost its mind? 22 Aug
This episode explores the complex role of therapy in addressing mental health within the Jewish community, weighing its benefits and potential pitfalls. Expe...
22 Aug
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/17/24 – Shiur 479 – Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck 16 Aug
The episode discusses the responsibilities of real estate syndicators and the risks faced by investors due to high-reliance on syndicators' promises. Experts...
16 Aug
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/10/24 – Shiur 478 – Extremism – What causes Chareidi extremism? Is it a bad thing? What about Hilltop Youth extremism against Arabs? 9 Aug
The episode discusses the complexities and causes of extremism within various Jewish communities, including Charedi and Hilltop Youths, examining both histor...
9 Aug
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/3/24 – Shiur 477 – Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life) | Lacetop Sheitels | Voting in Halacha 1 Aug
In Shiur 477, Rabbi Moshe Aharon Kahane and Rabbi Yaakov Ephraim Forcheimer discuss the importance of teaching children about the dangers of camp and life, d...
1 Aug
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/27/24 – Shiur 476 – What should we think about – and what should we teach our children about – non-Jews and the non-Jewish world? 26 Jul
This discussion delves into the complexities of teaching Jewish children about the non-Jewish world, weighing the necessity of maintaining a distinct Jewish ...
26 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/20/24 – Shiur 475 – Assassinations and Targeted Killings in Halacha – Donald Trump, Mohammad Deif, etc. 19 Jul
The Halacha Headlines episode discusses the permissibility and ethical considerations of targeted killings in Jewish law, particularly during times of confli...
19 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/13/24 – Shiur 474 – Halacha: Can an aging forgetful leader be replaced? | Should you allow your daughter to go out with a boy who smokes or vapes? 12 Jul
The podcast explores two central themes: the ethical and halachic questions surrounding smoking, especially for those seeking marriage prospects, and the cha...
12 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/6/24 – Shiur 473 – Supporting a son or son-in-law in learning – is it a good investment? 4 Jul
The episode delves into the complexities and halachic perspectives on supporting a son or son-in-law in learning Torah, exploring whether it's considered a g...
4 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/29/24 – Shiur 472 – What Happens to Kids When Parents Fight 28 Jun
Exploring the impact of parental conflict on children, this episode delves into how ongoing parental tension can deeply affect a child's sense of security an...
28 Jun
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/22/24 – Shiur 471 – Electricity on Shabbos - Are you really keeping Shabbos? | Is there a difference between a Ben Torah and an Orthodox Jew? 21 Jun
This engaging episode examines the complex halachic issues surrounding the use of electricity on Shabbat, including electronic water meters and security syst...
21 Jun
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/8/24 – Shiur 469 – Learning Torah when it’s nearly impossible 7 Jun
The episode discusses the challenges of maintaining quality and consistent Torah study amidst life's distractions, including career demands, family obligatio...
7 Jun
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/1/24 – Shiur 469 – Shemiras Einayim – Halachos, Chizzuk and Stories: the Vayimaen phenomenon 31 May
The episode examines the growing movement for Shemiras Einayim, a practice of guarding one's eyes from improper sights, highlighting the Vayimayin initiative...
31 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/25/24 – Shiur 468 – Dealing with the In-Laws 24 May
Exploring the complex dynamics between in-laws and married couples, this episode addresses the halachic, emotional, and psychological aspects of establishing...
24 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/18/24 – Shiur 467 – Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means? 17 May
Un-Lavish Living examines the cultural and psychological pressures that drive people to live beyond their means, impacting not only their financial well-bein...
17 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/11/24 – Shiur 466 – Neurolinks and Shabbos, Alexa and Shabbos, Electronics and Shabbos 10 May
The episode explores the halachic implications of using advanced technologies like Neuralink, Fitbits, and voice-activated electronics on Shabbos. The discus...
10 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/20/24 – Shiur 465 – Achdus - does “Achdus” mean I am supposed to embrace Jews I really don’t agree with? 18 Apr
Rabbi Ari Wasserman engages prominent rabbis like Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz and Rabbi Moshe Hauer in a multifaceted discussion on Jewish unity (achdus), ...
18 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/13/24 – Shiur 464 – Pesach – Great Divrei Torah for your Seder and beyond. Plus, lessons for today from Lavan’s attempt to destroy K’lal Yisroel 12 Apr
In this episode of "Halacha Headlines," various rabbis and educators offer insights on Pesach practices, focusing on the significance of tradition and memory...
12 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/6/24 – Shiur 463 – Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi? 5 Apr
The episode discusses whether Torah study alone can protect Israel and whether all religious students should serve in the army, with guests exploring the bal...
5 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/30/24 – Shiur 462 – What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays? 29 Mar
In Shiur 462, the discussion revolves around the challenges facing Yeshiva bochers today, contrasting them with girls' challenges and examining the impact of...
29 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/23/24 – Shiur 461 – Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch 22 Mar
The Shiur titled "Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch" discusses whether everyone should be involved in setting up shidduchim and the ch...
22 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/16/24 – Shiur 460 – זכרון לנצח – Preserving the memory of Fallen Soldiers Through Posthumous Retrieval of זרע for Procreation 15 Mar
The discussion in Shiur 460 revolves around the question of whether it is permitted, forbidden, or a Mitzvah to preserve the memory of fallen soldiers throug...
15 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/9/24 – Shiur 459 – The Haredi Dilemma in Military Conscription | Scaling Tradition: Reevaluating the Chazon Ish's Conscription Exemption | Study Time Required for והגית בו יומם ולילה 8 Mar
The discussion explores the challenges and dilemmas faced by Haredi individuals regarding military conscription, particularly focusing on the possibility of ...
8 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/2/24 – Shiur 458 – Frum on the outside and empty on the inside - why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite? 29 Feb
In Shiur 458, the discussion focuses on the challenges faced by young Jewish girls in maintaining their religious observance despite appearing observant outw...
29 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/24/24 – Shiur 457 – Avoiding the #1 reason for divorce - how to stay connected with your spouse and not drift apart 23 Feb
In Shiur 457, the discussion focuses on avoiding the main reason for divorce by maintaining connection with one's spouse throughout the course of a marriage....
23 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/17/24 – Shiur 456 – The Brisker Rov zt"l and Medinas Yisroel | Rav Shach zt"l and the IDF (צה"ל) – What did they really hold? 16 Feb
The text discusses the perspectives of prominent Jewish figures like the Brisker Rov and Rav Shach regarding interactions with the State of Israel and its mi...
16 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/10/24 – Shiur 455 –Getting over our fears - in dating, marriage, religious observance, of failure and more 9 Feb
In this Shiur, the hosts explore various fears that people commonly experience and discuss strategies for overcoming them. They delve into the concept of Jew...
9 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/3/24 – Shiur 454 – Raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world 2 Feb
In this online Shiur, the discussion revolves around the topic of raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world. The guests include Ari Wasserman, author of ...
2 Feb
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/27/24 – Shiur 453 –The Shulchan Aruch of war 25 Jan
In this Shiur discussion, various scenarios related to Jewish religious and communal life during times of warfare are addressed. Topics include the abortion ...
25 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/20/24 – Shiur 452 – Dealing with traumatic times – how to dig out of a rut 18 Jan
In this Shiur, the speakers discuss various aspects of dealing with traumatic times, particularly related to the current war, captives, and antisemitism. The...
18 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/13/24 – Shiur 451 – In Memory of Yakir and David HY”D “Chavrusas in life, Chavrusas in death, Chavrusas in Olam Habah” Experiencing the war: perspectives of the front line from parents and a Posek 12 Jan
This shiur discusses the challenges faced by families with loved ones serving in the IDF and the loss of soldiers in battle. The speakers explore the stress ...
12 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/6/24 – Shiur 450 Amazon in Halacha 4 Jan
In this Shiur, Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht discusses various halachic issues related to using Amazon on Shabbat. He addresses questions such as whether it is perm...
4 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/30/23 – Shiur 449 – Should there be Hakaras Hatov to the IDF soldiers? Does Torah-learning fully protect us, or is an army necessary? 28 Dec 2023
In this discussion, the question of whether there should be hakaras hatov (gratitude) towards IDF soldiers is explored. The panel considers whether hakaras h...
28 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/23/23 – Shiur 448 – Is Israel an “occupier” of Palestinian land? Who owns “from the River to the Sea”? 22 Dec 2023
In this discussion, the question of whether Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land is explored. The participants touch on various issues such as the exist...
22 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/16/23 – Shiur 447 – Zionism – Is today’s Zionism the same movement that caused so many religious to leave their roots and become irreligious? 16 Dec 2023
The discussion revolves around the question of whether today's Zionism is the same movement that caused many religious Jews to become irreligious. Prior to W...
16 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/9/23 – Shiur 446 – Daas Torah In Halacha and Hashkafa 8 Dec 2023
In this shiur, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky and Rabbi Aharon Sorscher discuss the concept of Daas Torah in Halacha and Hashkafa. They explore whether there is a Tor...
8 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/2/23 – Shiur 445 – Is “Zionism” a bad word? Where do Satmar and Neturei Karta disagree? 1 Dec 2023
In this Shiur (lecture), the panel discusses the question of whether Zionism is a bad word. They delve into the disagreement between the Satmar and Neturei K...
1 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/25/23 – Shiur 444 – Rally or not to Rally? ”Chazir Treif” or Kiddush Hashem 24 Nov 2023
The text discusses the question of whether participating in a rally, specifically in Washington, is the correct approach for Jews in the diaspora. It raises ...
24 Nov 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/18/23 – Shiur 443 – Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare 17 Nov 2023
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei K...
17 Nov 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/11/23 – Shiur 442 – Antisemitism at Harvard and elite universities – how could such smart people be so stupid? 10 Nov 2023
In this shiur, the discussion revolves around the rise of antisemitism on university campuses, particularly at elite universities like Harvard. The participa...
10 Nov 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 11/4/23 – Shiur 441 – Prisoner Exchange in Halacha | Hear from a brother of one of the hostages 2 Nov 2023
In this Shiur (Jewish lesson), there is a discussion about prisoner exchanges in Jewish law. Some of the questions addressed include whether it is permissibl...
2 Nov 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/28/23 – Shiur 440 – Guns in Shuls | Burying the Kedoshim – Hear from the front lines 27 Oct 2023
This text discusses the topic of guns in synagogues. Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht, the head of Semichat Chaver and the Rav of the Chevra Kadisha in the army, talks...
27 Oct 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/21/23 – Shiur 439 – Israel at War – Halachos of warfare, “collateral damage,” prisoner swaps, refusing medical treatment to terrorists, and much more 20 Oct 2023
This Shiur (lesson) discusses various halachic (Jewish legal) issues related to warfare, including the concept of collateral damage when bombing Gaza, whethe...
20 Oct 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 10/14/23 – Shiur 438 – עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע – The Torah outlook and our responsibility 13 Oct 2023
In this Shiur, various Jewish leaders discuss different aspects of the current situation in Israel. The speakers address questions such as whether it is advi...
13 Oct 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/30/23 – Shiur 437 – Practical Sukkos and Daled Minim Halachos – Seven Fascinating riddles 29 Sep 2023
In this shiur, several practical halachic questions about Sukkos and the daled minim (four species) are addressed. Rabbi Aharon Twerski discusses the questio...
29 Sep 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/16/23 – Shiur 436 – Making 5784 into “THE YEAR” 15 Sep 2023
This text appears to be a list of different individuals who have participated in a discussion or lecture series on the topic of the upcoming Jewish year, 578...
15 Sep 2023