Tag: Hostage Families

Families of hostages held in Gaza have been holding rallies in Israel, including one at Hostages Square, to bring attention to their loved ones' plight and urge for their return.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss a tumultuous year in Israel and the Jewish world, touching on recent events and engaging with Rachel Goldberg-Polin, a prominent figure representing families of hostages, specifically her son Hersh captured by Hamas at a music festival.
Pressure is increasing on the Israeli government amidst debates over the terms of a ceasefire, with families of hostages urging a pause following the accidental killing of three hostages by the IDF in Gaza.
Israeli families who had loved ones held captive by Hamas traveled to the Ohel, the resting place of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, in Queens, New York.