Tag: Inflation

The podcast discusses the desperate measures being taken by the Biden administration in response to inflation and economic crisis, questioning their effectiveness and rationale.
The cost of hosting a Passover Seder has significantly increased this year due to various factors such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, an outbreak of bird flu affecting poultry prices, and increased demand for kosher food.
In the podcast "We Told You So, Part 2," the discussion revolves around how liberal viewpoints are now aligning with earlier perspectives on inflation and COVID-19 that had been expressed for nearly two years.
The podcast discusses the current rise in inflation, the fastest in 40 years, and highlights Joe Biden's efforts to shift focus to topics favored by the Democratic base amidst economic challenges.
The text discusses the dilemma faced by the Biden administration in its Middle East policy.
This podcast discusses the political implications of inflation, ongoing COVID restrictions, and recent developments in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.
The article discusses the concept of a "new inflation" with Mohamed El-Erian, exploring the potential factors contributing to rising inflation and its implications for economies worldwide.
The discussion revolves around Nancy Pelosi's decision to reject two more pro-Trump Republicans from the January 6 commission, questioning whether it was a mistake or part of a strategic move.
Financial expert David Bahnsen discusses the impact of COVID on the economy, highlighting that the real threat for the future is deflation rather than inflation.
The text discusses growing concerns about inflation and its impact on the markets, questioning if the Biden administration and Democrats will be alarmed by this trend.
The text discusses the possibility of approaching inflation and the advice not to panic about it, despite concerns raised by some experts given past experiences with inflation.
The affordability crisis in Jewish day schools remains unsolved since the Great Recession, with tuition costs increasing significantly over the years.