Tag: Israeli Citizens

On the National Mall, a shipping container has been set up by advocates for the hostages held by Hamas, aiming to raise awareness.
The Gaza war has led to a significant increase in antisemitic incidents worldwide.
The author reflects on a situation where his daughter's classmate accused her of glorifying colonialism because of her paintings inspired by her wife's childhood in an Israeli kibbutz attacked by Hamas.
In this video, an Israeli correspondent named Ethel Niborski interviews Yitskhak Horn, an Argentinian-born Israeli whose two sons are being held hostage in Gaza.
The author and her family travel to Kibbutz Saad in southern Israel to help with the agricultural crisis caused by the Hamas assault in October.
This article discusses the recent events at Makhachkala International Airport in Dagestan, Russia, where a mob targeted Jews and Israelis.
An emergency video briefing convened by Israel Policy Forum with experts Neri Zilber, Shira Efron, Nimrod Novik, and Michael Koplow discussed the unfolding situation in Israel, condemning the recent attacks by Hamas terrorists and expressing support for Israel in defending itself.
The author, an Israeli resident in the community of Shitim, describes the impact of the recent Hamas attack on Israel.
In this episode, Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss the high number of Israelis considering leaving the country, the political implications of the army's involvement, and Yair Netanyahu's controversial behavior compared to his father's.
The author reflects on her experience as a college student learning Arabic with the Hans Wehr Modern Arabic-English Dictionary.
The discussion explores whether Zionists can address the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, while also upholding Israel's legitimacy.
In this article, the authors discuss the dilemma faced by Zionists when it comes to acknowledging the Nakba, or "catastrophe," referring to the displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss three topics.
The Israeli baseball team competing in the World Baseball Classic qualifiers consists mostly of American players who qualify under the heritage rule due to Israel's Law of Return.