Tag: Israeli Jews

Young Israeli Jews, three generations post-Holocaust, are increasingly relocating to Germany, prompting questions about their motivations and the reactions in Israel.
At the Z3 conference, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the theme of "One People, Two Centers, Three Opinions."
At the Z3 Conference in Palo Alto, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the theme of "One People, Two Centers, Three Opinions."
Noah, filled with anxiety over the elections, finds comfort with Liquid Plumr, a garage band from Shuafat refugee camp that marked his transition to adulthood in Israel.
The 2018 Democracy Index in Israel highlights contrasting views on the state of democracy in the country, with half the population feeling it is under threat while the other half does not.
The Israeli 2018 Democracy Index reveals a divided perspective on the state of democracy in Israel, with half the population believing it is in danger while the other half does not.
In this segment, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Avi Gabbay's unexpected rise to the head of Israel's Labor Party, reflecting on the implications for the Israeli Left.
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, the hosts delve into three significant topics.
In this podcast episode titled "The State of the Spirit (and the Spirit of the State)," Allison, Don, and Noah examine various aspects of religion and spirituality in Israel, including the happiness levels of different Jewish religious groups, the increasing belief in God among secular Jews, and the use of technology by ultra-Orthodox Jews.
The discussion reflects on the ways to end the war in Israel, questioning if Israeli demands for 'demilitarization' could prolong the conflict.