Tag: Israeli Jews

Raef Zreik, an associate professor of Jurisprudence at Ono Academic College in Israel and a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute, will be a guest speaker during a Zoom call.
A recent Pew survey indicates a significant decline in Israeli Jews supporting a peaceful coexistence with a Palestinian state, dropping to 19% from 32% before recent conflicts.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, likening the leadership to different Pharaohs and emphasizing the need for democratic action to bring about change.
The author reflects on their experience at a U.N. session about sexual violence against Jewish women by Hamas and highlights how American Jews need to emulate Israeli assertiveness in facing antisemitism.
Israels Black Panthers, a group of Mizrahi Jewish youth in the early 1970s, drew inspiration from the American Black Panthers to challenge discrimination against Mizrahi Jews in Israel.
A recent survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute revealed that 70% of Israeli Jews support ending the blanket exemptions from military service for Haredi men, a significant increase from 2018.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, listener feedback on the Israel at War topic is discussed.
A recent poll found that American and Israeli Jews have become increasingly divided on the Israel-Gaza conflict.
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history.
In the wake of recent events, such as the attacks on Israeli Jews by Hamas and the rise of antisemitic incidents around the world, many Jews are feeling a strong emotional response.
This opinion article discusses the influence of religious absolutism on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This 2006 article explores the relationship between Jews and tattoos.
In this video, the speaker discusses the need for the pro-Palestinian left to publicly and loudly appeal to Hamas to release the captives.
The text argues that the slogan and policy of "Free Palestine" has always implied the mass murder of Jews.
Yoram Hazony, founder of the National Conservative movement and the Edmund Burke Foundation (EBF), believes that Israel serves as a model for global nationalist movements.
The article discusses the parallels between the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white supremacist rally took place in 2017, and the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss the recent increase in attacks on Israeli Jews, including some deadly incidents, and how this violence impacts the ongoing protests over Prime Minister Netanyahu's reforms in Israel.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss two main topics.
In "The Stakes Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover the potential implications of Benjamin Netanyahu being re-elected as Prime Minister and discuss Israel negotiating a significant treaty with Lebanon that Prime Minister Yair Lapid chooses not to bring to the Knesset for ratification.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron analyze various election ads in Israel, highlighting the messages parties are trying to convey to voters.
The article discusses the challenges facing the Jewish people, such as the impact of the Enlightenment, the struggles of assimilation, the rise of nationalism, and the threats posed by industrialization and technological advancements.
This episode of the podcast "Unorthodox" explores the relationship between Israeli Jews and the American Diaspora.
The authors of this text discuss the changing dynamics between Jewish Israelis and Arab Israelis, highlighting the current opportunities for a new social compact.
In this episode, the hosts discuss three important topics.
Many young Israeli Jews are choosing to move to Germany, three generations after the Holocaust, raising questions about their motivations and how they justify their decisions.