Tag: Israeli Students

A task force at Harvard University has found a dire situation for Israeli students on campus, including exclusion, harassment, and discrimination.
Israeli students studying at American campuses, including prestigious institutions like Columbia University and Harvard, have reported facing a toxic and hostile environment marked by anti-Israel sentiment, criticism, and marginalization following Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and hostility, even when they try to engage in dialogue or explain their perspectives.
Columbia University is facing investigations over several professors accused of making antisemitic and anti-Israel comments following Hamas attacks.
Top universities, including Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, have formed task forces to address and combat antisemitism on their campuses following a surge in such incidents.
According to a report from Prizmah, over 1,000 Israeli students temporarily enrolled in Jewish day schools in the U.S. and Canada after the October 7 attacks.
The Wexner Foundation has ended its program that paid for Israeli students to obtain master's degrees at Harvard, citing the university's failure to condemn Hamas.