Tag: Jewish Academia

The text discusses the author's journey from a progressive upbringing to questioning Israel's stance in the academic world.
The text discusses the growing tensions for Jewish students on college campuses, particularly in the context of pro-Palestinian protests and the response from Jewish studies professors who often lean left.
"The CJN Daily's Honourable Menschen" pays tribute to recently deceased Canadian Jewish community leaders, including Harry Rosen, George Cohon, Zelda Young, Vera Schiff, Willie Glaser, Rabbi Erwin Schild, Gershon Hundert, Harry Bricks, and Moishe Goldstein.
In his book "Citizenship 2.0," sociologist Dr. Yossi Harpaz from Tel Aviv University explores the changing relationship between citizenship and other sociological concepts.
The text discusses the tension between journalism and academia, using the example of Menashe Unger's criticism of Gershom Scholem's work on Jewish mysticism and Hasidism.
Natalie Zemon Davis, a historian, recounts how her marriage to mathematician Chandler Davis, who was arrested for distributing Communist literature, affected her career.