Tag: Jewish American Culture

Jack Ruby, known for fatally shooting Lee Harvey Oswald on live television following the Kennedy assassination, holds a complex legacy.
Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, discusses the unique culture and dynamics of the Valley's Jewish community.
Tablet LA is embarking on a new project to explore Jewish life in Los Angeles, a city with a rich Jewish history thanks to Jewish garment cutters who established Hollywood.
This article discusses the significance of the All-of-a-Kind Family children's book series by Sydney Taylor.
The Jewish Review of Books recently held its 2nd annual conference at Yeshiva University Museum, featuring engaging discussions between prominent readers and writers like Eliot Cohen, Shai Held, Dara Horn, Meir Soloveichik, and others.
ABC announced a three-hour made-for-TV remake of "Dirty Dancing" starring Abigail Breslin, part of a trend in television musical events.
"City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York" edited by Deborah Dash Moore, along with other contributing authors, explores the deep and complex relationship between New York City and its Jewish inhabitants from the 17th century to the present day.
Project Mah Jongg, curated by Melissa Martens, initially displayed at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York and has since traveled to various Jewish museums, including the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles and the Jewish Museum of Florida.