Tag: Jewish Lives Series

The book "Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream" by Francine Klagsbrun delves into the life of Henrietta Szold, an influential American-born Jewish woman who founded Hadassah and played a significant role in aiding Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
Martin Goodman, in his book "Herod the Great: Jewish King in a Roman World," dismantles the Christian myth surrounding King Herod and sheds light on the historical account provided by the Jewish historian Josephus.
In "Marx and the Jewish Fingerprint Question" by Shlomo Avineri, the discussion revolves around Karl Marx's Jewish origins and their influence on his work.
"Nothing but Blue Skies" by James Kaplan delves into the life and impact of Irving Berlin, an influential Jewish composer and lyricist, highlighting his unparalleled success in American popular music.
"The article discusses the enduring fame and comedic legacy of the Marx Brothers, focusing on Groucho Marx in particular. Despite initial rankings, the Marx Brothers gained lasting popularity and are recognized alongside iconic comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Laurel & Hardy. The brothers' brand of anarchic, zany humor was a hit in vaudeville, Broadway, and movies, challenging social norms with irreverent humor. The Jewish background of the Marx family, with a mother driving their showbiz careers and Groucho's intellectual pursuits, adds depth to their story. Groucho's complex personal life, including financial struggles and rocky relationships, is explored, highlighting his darker side despite his comedic genius. The impact of their comedic bits and movies, such as Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera, is noted, with Groucho's wit and iconic lines still remembered today, cementing their place in comedy history."
Rabbi David Wolpe explores the complex heroism of King David in the book "David: The Divided Heart."