Tag: Jewish People Policy Institute

The video discusses the IDF's tactical precision and strategic innovations in urban warfare in Gaza, highlighting its application of international law and setting new standards in military operations, as explained by military correspondent and author Yaakov Katz during an interview.
Recent political divisions in Israel are resurfacing after a period of unity following a series of attacks.
This article criticizes the idea that returning Israeli hostages should take precedence over winning the war against Hamas.
A survey conducted by the Jewish People Policy Institute reveals that the recent war in Israel had little impact on the desire of the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community to integrate into broader Israeli society.
Rivka Ravitz, former chief of staff to the tenth president of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, discusses her career in politics and the challenges she faced as a Chareidi woman in a secular environment.
Shmuel Rosner, in collaboration with Prof. Camil Fuchs, has written a book called "Israeli Judaism," which examines the current attitudes of Israelis towards Judaism as a religion, a people, and a tradition.
In his new book "Israeli Judaism," Shmuel Rosner explores contemporary Israeli perspectives on Judaism as a religion, peoplehood, and tradition.
Dr. Salomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, discusses the unique position of the Jewish civilization in relation to the rise and decline of civilizations, drawing lessons from history.