Tag: Jewish Research

The author expresses disappointment and disbelief at YIVO's decision to host three webinars on the origins and ideology of Hamas without including Palestinian or Muslim panelists.
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research has faced criticism after announcing a webinar series on the ideological link between Hamas and Nazism and Soviet antisemitism.
Dr. Eddy Portnoy discusses his book "Bad Rabbi and Other Strange But True Stories from the Yiddish Press," which offers a collection of peculiar and insightful tales from the Yiddish press of New York and Warsaw before WWII.
Yaakov Elman was a unique and dedicated scholar known for his proficiency in both traditional Jewish learning and academic Talmud study at Yeshiva University and Harvard.
Phrenology, a pseudo-science popular in the past, claimed that personality traits could be determined by the bumps on a person's head.