Tag: Jewish Travel

The author reflects on concerns about traveling as a visibly Jewish family to destinations where anti-Semitism may be prevalent, such as Istanbul, due to recent political tensions and global anti-Semitic sentiments.
The article discusses the concept of "flying without a plane" as a way to travel and experience diverse Jewish cultures without the need for traditional air travel.
Exploring how Jewish individuals navigate travel to non-kosher destinations.
The author reflects on his experiences as a Jew and his relationship with the sea.
The podcast episode discusses the response to a previous episode on kosher food ethics, with a focus on Montreal's Vaad Ha'ir defending the high cost of kosher meat, receiving criticism for what some saw as propaganda.
Rabbi Mordechai Kuber has written a comprehensive three-volume guide called "Crossing the Dateline" to help observant Jews navigate the halachic dateline when traveling to the Far East.
Participants on a Birthright Israel trip experienced a memorable night at a Bedouin tent in Kfar Hanokdim, owned by Israeli Jews but operated by Bedouins.
During a group trip near David Ben-Gurion's grave, participants were asked to disclose their relationship status using colored M&M candies: red for unavailable, green for DTF, and yellow for somewhere in between.