Tag: Kabbalists

Tu Bishvat, the New Year for Trees, while considered a lesser Jewish festival, has gained significance for its eco-Jewish emphasis and connection to the Land of Israel.
The Ushpizin Edition refers to an ancient Sukkot tradition called Ushpizin, meaning Guests, where people invite various individuals, including those in need of a meal, to eat with them in their Sukkah.
The Ushpizin Edition podcast explores the ancient Sukkot tradition of Ushpizin, where guests are invited to share a meal in the Sukkah.
The episode discusses the golden era of Italian Mekubalim in the 18th century, focusing on the lesser-known figure R' Emanuel Chai Rico.
Contemporary Jewish poet Yehoshua November explores the connection between poetry, mysticism, and intimacy, delving into the symbolism of The Song of Songs as representing the relationship between God and the Jewish people.
Jewish leaders in Israel, including rabbis and kabbalists, took to the skies on a plane to bless the land and prevent further deaths from the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.