Tag: Kol Nidrei

From September 22 to September 29, Shabbat and Yom Kippur times are listed, including the start and end times for Shabbat on September 22, Torah readings for Shabbat Shuvah on September 23, and Yom Kippur on September 24 and 25 with corresponding fasting and prayer schedules, including the Yizkor service.
This collection of five poems by Ben Corvo explores the turning of the year from Elul to Tishrei in Jewish observance.
Achy Obejas' poetry collection, "Boomerang/Bumern: Poetry/Poesa," explores her identity as a Cuban American writer-poet-translator and touches on themes of gender and Judaism.
Yehiel Poupko's upcoming collection of poems, titled "What Is Lost," explores themes of sin, repentance, and forgiveness in Jewish tradition.