Tag: Liel Leibovitz

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres engages in a conversation with Tablet Magazine's Liel Leibovitz and Alana Newhouse, covering topics such as Zionism, the impact of social media on antisemitism, and the importance of patriotism.
The Tablet podcast Sivan Says features Sivan Rahav-Meir and Liel Leibovitz discussing Parshat Bechukotai, exploring the blessings and curses associated with following or neglecting God's commandments.
Rabbi Sivan Rahav-Meir, a prominent Israeli journalist and Torah scholar, discusses Parshat Bechukotai on the Tablet podcast Sivan Says, co-hosted by Liel Leibovitz.
Liel Leibovitz suggests that Israelis should watch 'The Godfather' to better understand the implications of recent anti-Semitism revealed during the Columbia hearings.
The discussion panel "Jewish Priorities: Life After 10/7" hosted by Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz at the National Museum of American Jewish History focused on the tense rhetoric within the Jewish community during the Israel war.
In episode 382 of The Good Book, guests discuss various topics.
In this article, the authors discuss the idea of ending U.S. military assistance to Israel.
Liel Leibovitz discusses the ongoing conflict between the Israeli government and mass protestors on a podcast, highlighting the unique confrontation between the elected government and demonstrators claiming to represent the true essence of democracy in Israel.
Unorthodox is a popular Jewish podcast hosted by Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and Joshua Malina.
In a recent article titled "The Return of Paganism," Liel Leibovitz argues that the decline in traditional forms of Christian worship in America does not reflect a decrease in religious inclination but rather a shift towards expressions of belief that resemble ancient pagan practices.
In an essay by Liel Leibovitz titled "The Return of Paganism," it is argued that Americans are not necessarily becoming less religious, but rather, they are less devoted to traditional forms of biblical faith.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the host discusses the ongoing protests in Israel and their larger context.
Unorthodox's latest episode delves into the Israeli protests and broader context, featuring guest Jonathan Rosen discussing his book "The Best Minds."
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, a book titled "Zionism: The Tablet Guide" is being released.
In a discussion on the podcast, Liel Leibovitz talks about his article in COMMENTARY magazine titled "The Return of Paganism."
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the holiday of Purim with guest Dovid Bashevkin.
In episode 351 of "The Whole Megillah," the podcast Unorthodox celebrates Purim with fresh insights on the holiday from Liel Leibovitz and Dovid Bashevkin.
In this interview, Liel Leibovitz, a writer, editor, and co-host of the podcast Unorthodox, discusses the idea that Jews should stop sending their children to college.
The popular Unorthodox podcast is hosting live events in various cities across the country in 2023.
Journalist Liel Leibovitz discusses a critical piece in The New York Times focusing on Hasidic schools in New York state, criticizing its inaccuracies and biases.
Liel Leibovitz, a senior writer for Tablet Magazine, appeared on a podcast to criticize Amnesty International's claim that Israel is an apartheid state.
In this oral history interview, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto reflects on the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting that occurred in October 2018.
In a recent conversation, Bari Weiss, Natan Sharansky, and Rod Dreher discussed the unique challenges of our current era.
The Jewish Lives Podcast delves into the life of comic book icon Stan Lee, as explored by Liel Leibovitz, author of the biography "Stan Lee: A Life in Comics."
"Super Stan" by Liel Leibovitz explores the influential role of Stan Lee, a Jewish creator, in shaping the superhero comic book industry through characters like Spider-Man and the X-Men.