Tag: Middle East History

The author reflects on the overlooked history of Jews from Arab lands, emphasizing their expulsion and trauma in 1948, which is often omitted in discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A historical overview of The Jewish Legion's involvement during 1917-1918, including key events and figures.
The text discusses the current situation in Gaza, where Israel's policies are leading to starvation and a lack of aid reaching the people due to restrictions and bombings, supported by the US with weapons.
In an essay by Loolwa Khazzoom, the author reflects on a conversation with an anti-Zionist individual, highlighting how closed-mindedness and preconceived notions can hinder meaningful dialogue.
The recent intelligence failure in Israel, resulting in a major attack by Hamas, highlights the dangers of relying on core assumptions in intelligence work.
In his book "Enemies, a Love Story," Prof. Hillel Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores Mizrahi Jewish politics in relation to Palestinian Arabs and Ashkenazi Jews from the emergence of Zionism to modern times.
In this discussion, Prof. Hillel Cohen explores the historical and contemporary relationship between Mizrahi Jews, Palestinian Arabs, and Ashkenazi Jews.
In "Intoxicating Zion: A Social History of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel," Haggai Ram, a professor of Middle East History, explores the historical relationship between hashish and Jewish society in the region.
Professor Haggai Ram of Ben Gurion University discusses his book "Intoxicating Zion: A Social History of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel," exploring the role of hashish in the region.
Itamar Rabinovich's biography, "Yitzhak Rabin: Soldier, Leader, Statesman," provides a detailed account of Yitzhak Rabin's life and his impact on Israel's history from the pre-State era to the 1990s.