Tag: Military Aid

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant recently visited Washington, where he emphasized the importance of discussing U.S.-Israel relations in closed rooms and refraining from public confrontations.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons shipments to Israel, a claim the administration denied being aware of.
Elliot Brandt, AIPAC's current vice CEO, has been chosen as the next CEO to succeed Howard Kohr amid volatile conflicts in Israel and uncertain U.S.-Israel relations.
The article discusses the complexities of American arms policy toward Israel, highlighting recent events where Biden temporarily withheld ammunition shipments to signal disapproval of Israeli actions in Gaza.
President Biden has faced challenges trying to influence Israeli policies, particularly regarding Gaza and Netanyahu's government.
Israeli politicians remained silent about the potential risks of relying on $3 billion in annual military support from the U.S., leading to a crisis when President Biden halted weapons sales to Israel.
On Israel's 76th Independence Day, the country faces a significant dilemma of dependency on U.S. military aid, which has led to compromising its autonomy and defense industry.
A US State Department report highlighted credible violations of international law by Israel in its conflict with Hamas but advised against cutting defense aid to Israel, citing steps taken to minimize harm to civilians amid the challenges of fighting a group embedded among civilians in Gaza.
The text describes U.S. President Joe Biden's withholding of military aid from Israel during a conflict with Hamas in 2023, citing differences in military strategy and suggesting potential reasons for Biden's actions.
The text discusses the evolving relationship between Joe Biden and Israel, particularly in light of recent actions that some perceive as damaging to Israel's interests.
New York Congressman Mike Lawler maintains his belief that President Biden is a friend of Israel but criticizes Biden's decision to withhold military aid, citing concerns about civilian casualties in Gaza.
Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk emphasized the shared battle against a coalition of enemies including Iran, Russia, and North Korea, urging for stronger U.S. support.
The Biden administration's decision to withhold certain armaments from Israel, despite the aid bill's passage, marks a significant development in US-Israel relations.
A recent survey revealed that 47% of U.S. voters believe colleges should ban pro-Palestinian protests, with 41% also in favor of banning pro-Israel protests.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer successfully persuaded House Speaker Johnson to pass a $14.3 billion military aid bill to Israel, free of conditions, emphasizing the importance of supporting Israel's defense.
The article discusses Israel's economic constraints in the face of potential retaliation against Iran following a recent attack.
The article discusses the strained U.S.-Israeli relations due to disagreements over the Gaza conflict but suggests that Iran's threats against Israel might actually strengthen the U.S.' commitment to Israel's security.
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel peaked recently when the U.S. allowed a UN Security Council resolution on a cease-fire to pass without veto, leading to a crisis between Biden and Netanyahu.
The text analyzes why the anti-Netanyahu strategy adopted by some Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, in response to Israel's war in Gaza may not be effective.
The discussion with Bret Stephens highlights President Biden's political challenges relating to inflation and immigration, rather than Israel or the Palestinians.
The author argues that the conventional wisdom of bipartisan support for Israel in the US has unraveled, and it is time to assign Republicans their fair share of the blame.
In this article, the author discusses the tension between Israel and the United Progressives of America.
The author discusses the current conflict in Gaza and the increasing calls for a ceasefire.
The U.S. Senate has declined to consider a bill introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders to assess whether Israel is complying with U.S. human rights laws regarding the aid it receives.
This opinion piece discusses the need to attach conditions to the generous military aid that the United States provides to Israel, particularly in relation to curbing Jewish settlements in the West Bank.