Tag: Military Aid

Operation Tzitzit was a grassroots effort that arose in response to the Israeli military's need for green tzitzit to be worn by soldiers during the conflict with Hamas.
Orthodox Jews, who have traditionally leaned conservative in their political affiliations, have expressed support and gratitude for President Biden following his strong stance on defending Israel and condemning Hamas attacks.
New polls show that Americans support Israel's military campaign against Hamas and believe in providing continued US assistance to Israel.
As the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza enters its second day, the death toll has risen to 700, with more than 2,200 people wounded.
In a symposium on ending U.S. aid to Israel, the majority of participants argue in favor of keeping the aid, emphasizing its importance for the U.S.-Israel partnership.
The recent blocking of $1 billion of U.S. military aid to Israel by Congress is a turning point and a wakeup call for Israel to reassess its reliance on American aid.