Tag: Millennials

Netflix's documentary series "Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial" aims to engage a younger audience by presenting the familiar topics of the Holocaust and World War II in a fresh and dramatic format.
The text discusses the significant wealth transfer predicted for millennials, highlighting the importance for the Jewish community to capture a portion of this wealth to ensure its continuity.
A generation gap has emerged among American Jews and their views on Israel, with younger generations expressing less support for the country.
The Pew Research Center's report on Jewish Americans in 2020 reveals some interesting trends.
In her book "Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World," journalist Tara Isabella Burton explores the rise of bespoke religious identities in contemporary American culture.
After working as a journalist for several years, the author has decided to leave journalism to pursue a career as a rabbi.
Millennials, particularly in the Modern Orthodox community, are increasingly drawn to making Aliyah to Israel, attracted by the country's entrepreneurial opportunities, spiritual connection, and economic advantages.