Tag: Mizrahi Music

Musician Jonny Greenwood is facing criticism for planning to tour with Israeli artist Dudu Tassa amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Galeet Dardashti, a Persian Jewish musician, has created an album called 'Monajat' inspired by her late grandfather, Younes Dardashti, a renowned singer of Persian classical music in 1950s/60s Iran.
Ofra Haza, known as the "Madonna of the Middle East," was an iconic Israeli singer who achieved both national and international success in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Israeli superstar Sarit Hadad made waves by releasing a new song, "Ahava kmo Shelanu," with a music video subtly hinting at her relationship with a woman, although she did not explicitly come out as gay or lesbian.
This article discusses various aspects of Israeli music.
In a podcast titled "The Pipe Dreams? Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss various topics, including the need for left-wing parties in Israel to merge before the next election, the potential for a different kind of solidarity to lead to peace in the region, and environmental concerns regarding government policies often influenced by corporate interests.
In the discussion titled "They Really Don't Like Us!" in Haaretz, Noah, Don, and columnist Bradley Burston explore the strained relations between Israelis and Palestinians, questioning the plausibility of a one-state solution.
Avi Bitter, a former underground Mizrahi music star in Israel, gained fame through low-budget cult films and TV appearances after facing bankruptcy.