Tag: Nazi

Dr. Josef Mengele, infamous for his cruel experiments on prisoners during the Holocaust, now has his remains utilized for teaching medical students at a Brazilian university.
In this episode, Allison, Don & Noah discuss the tragic events in Aleppo and reflect on Israeli reactions or inactions towards the situation.
After fleeing Auschwitz and living in South America under a false name, Nazi leader Dr. Josef Mengele's remains, known for torturous experiments on prisoners, have been in Brazil for decades.
The excerpt portrays a young boy on a school trip to a Holocaust museum where he grapples with his personal connection to the Holocaust.
Tibor Rubin, a Hungarian Jew and Holocaust survivor, endured horrors at Mauthausen concentration camp before immigrating to the U.S. where he enlisted in the Army during the Korean War.
Bruno Kreisky, a prominent Austrian politician of Jewish descent, played a crucial role in turning the left against Israel in the 1970s.
In the film "The German Doctor," director Luca Puenzo creates a fictionalized account of Josef Mengele's time in Patagonia, Argentina, portraying him as a friendly but sinister figure named Jos Mengele experimenting with genetics.
"The German Doctor" is a film adapted by Argentinian filmmaker Lucia Puenzo from her novel "Wakolda," which explores a chance meeting between a mysterious doctor based on Josef Mengele and an Argentinian family in 1960.