Tag: Orthodox Conversion

Seven members of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community in India were killed in a rocket attack near a synagogue in the state of Manipur.
David Ben Moshe, a Black ex-con, found Judaism while in prison and later converted to Orthodox Judaism.
The author reflects on their experience of giving up seafood after undergoing an Orthodox conversion to Judaism.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the significance of the Jewish holiday Shavuot, which celebrates those who convert to Judaism.
Rebbetzin Abby Lerner, the national director of conversion services for GPS, discusses her role in supporting conversion candidates and preventing abuse in the Orthodox conversion process.
In a discussion on Jewish motherhood stereotypes, Naomi Zeveloff explores the complexity and diversity of Jewish mothers through various personal stories.
The author, a convert to Judaism, reflects on giving up Christmas and embracing Hanukkah instead.