Tag: Painting

In his new series "Silent Running," figurative artist David Stern captures the essence of the horrors of October 7th, when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, bringing chaos and violence.
A mother reflects on her daily tasks and responsibilities, feeling inadequate compared to what she perceives as more significant contributions to the world.
In this personal anecdote, the author, Perel, expresses her resistance to attending camp and leaving behind her creative passion for painting.
Aliza Nisenbaum, a painter, explores the politics of interpersonal relationships in her artwork, focusing on blue-collar workers and immigrant communities.
In "A Lavender Marriage," the protagonist reflects on his relationship with his Uncle Jack, who has been a father figure to him for the past 13 years.
Israeli artist Yoram Raanan remains resilient and positive despite losing nearly 2,000 artworks in a fire that destroyed his studio and 40 years of work.
Sheldon Adelson, a Jewish casino tycoon and major political donor, is now the proud owner of a painting by former U.S. President George W. Bush, known for his amateur art since 2012.
Yoram Kaniuk, wounded in Israel's Independence War, found refuge in bohemian life in Greenwich Village with the help of a friend named Gandy.