Tag: Political Spectrum

In episode 55 of Home Front, the discussion focuses on the pressure being exerted by the United States on Israel to make concessions to Hamas during the ongoing conflict.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
American Jews are mobilizing to bring attention to the issue of Israeli hostages held in Gaza by Hamas.
A new study challenges the idea that antisemitism is equally prevalent on the far left and far right.
In a discussion on Israel's current judicial reform crisis, Yehoshua Pfeffer highlights the larger cultural and sociological conflict within Israeli society.
Naomi Schaefer Riley discusses the legacy of Midge Decter, highlighting her commitment to defending liberty through an open letter signed by numerous individuals across the political spectrum.
In this article, the authors discuss how Jewish discourse around Israel has become toxic, with disagreements becoming more divisive and hostile.
In this episode, the focus is on the trend of American Jews predominantly voting for the Democratic Party.
Israeli citizens are gearing up for an unusual second national election within a year.
Journalist Jamie Kirchick discusses the rising political extremism in Europe and its implications for the United States in his new book "The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age" on Unorthodox's 95th episode.
The text discusses the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism in America coming from both the political right and left, with examples ranging from online harassment to public statements from various figures.
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives.