Tag: Politicians

Despite ongoing polling following the Trump verdict, there seems to be little impact on the political landscape.
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations.
The podcast discusses instances of unbecoming behavior by politicians, including a congresswoman causing a disturbance at a Denver theater, a Virginia candidate selling sex acts online, and a new Senate code removing dress requirements.
In a podcast discussing the erosion of trust in American society, connections are drawn between bank failures, tech failures, moral failings among politicians and tech giants, and the overall decline in trust.
Michele Reynolds, a Republican running for a seat in Ohio's 3rd Senate District, came under scrutiny for using the phrase "Jew you down" in her self-published book.
The podcast discusses the recent developments in the Ukraine War, including a bridge attack and subsequent terrorist strikes in cities, while highlighting the unusual comments from politicians and intellectuals about these events.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three important topics and end with a lighthearted anecdote.
Recent Congressional testimony has shed light on the mendacity of Joe Biden, establishing him as lying on par with Donald Trump in policy matters.
In this podcast episode, discussions range from a demonstration attended by Christine, where liberals liken the Biden administration to Christmas every day, to Andrew Cuomo using intimidating tactics through a subordinate on New York state politicians, and the ongoing lack of diversity in the Oscars.
The text discusses the potential challenge politicians might face in relinquishing the extensive powers they gained during the pandemic, now that the vaccine offers hope for normalcy.
Author and columnist Andrew Ferguson discusses America in isolation, highlighting the emerging resistance to prolonged lockdowns and the challenges faced by policymakers balancing public health concerns with economic pressures.
The article discusses how President Trump's recent statements invoking anti-Semitic tropes by questioning the loyalty of Jewish Democrats, and his involvement in barring Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar from visiting Israel, have caused distress among American Jews.