Tag: Polling

Despite ongoing polling following the Trump verdict, there seems to be little impact on the political landscape.
Former President Donald Trump is building a case against Joe Biden, echoing Biden's past arguments against him, pointing to chaos under Biden's leadership.
In a recent podcast, the focus is on the Biden administration's response to Israel taking responsibility and apologizing for a tragic strike on a food aid convoy in Gaza.
The text discusses various topics, including opinions on RFK Jr.'s Super Bowl ad, the Super Bowl game, Biden's attempt to stay in the news, polling of the Squad, and statements made by Trump about NATO and Nikki Haley's husband.
Recent polling data indicates that Joe Biden could potentially lose to Donald Trump in numerous scenarios, raising concerns for Democrats.
Dan Senor discusses the current state of the GOP primary, the upcoming general election, the unpredictability of the situation, and the significance of early polling data.
In a podcast episode discussing current polling data, it is highlighted that President Biden is experiencing record low approval ratings for post-war presidents at this point in their terms.
The text discusses the impending U.S. election, focusing on presidential job approval ratings as a predictor of the election outcome.
The article delves into the Trump campaign's focus on appealing to COVID fatigued voters and raises the question of whether this strategy indicates an understanding of the electorate that is not reflected in polling data.
The podcast explores the idea that Americans have historically been enamored with conspiracy theories and asks whether this is a long-standing phenomenon.
Recent polling indicates a shift towards Donald Trump along with increasing worries about urban unrest, a connection being overlooked by the media.