Tag: Promised Podcast

The Promised Podcast reflects on 138 days by discussing key topics like Premonition City, City of Slaughter, Sally, The Wheat Grows Again, The Battalions, and WhatsApp.
The Promised Podcast extends New Year wishes for a year filled with positivity and good things after a momentous period in the Jewish community.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, which focuses on the ongoing protests in Israel, the hosts explore the role of protest in Israeli society.
The Promised Podcast explores the role of protests in Israeli society as the demonstrations continue for a seventh month.
The Promised Podcast celebrates Pride Month by revisiting some of its memorable LGBTQ+ moments and featuring music related to LGBTQ+ themes.
In a special episode for the end of Pride Month, the Promised Podcast revisits significant LGBTQ+ moments and music from its archives.
The Promised Podcast Pesach-Palooza!
The Promised Podcast Pesach-Palooza!
In a recycled edition of the Promised Podcast, the hosts delve into topics such as the implications of rabbis not protesting a liberal abortion law, the role of academics in politics, and Israeli parents' seemingly relaxed attitude towards their children's safety.
In a recycled edition of the Promised Podcast, topics discussed include the lack of rabbinic protest against a liberal abortion law, the role of professors in politics, and Israeli parents' lack of concern for their children's safety.
In this special edition of the Promised Podcast, Etgar Keret discusses his memoir "The Seven Good Years," touching on life, literature, and maintaining low expectations.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, various topics are discussed, including the environmental consciousness of reusing old discussions alongside new ones, the questioning of Israeli politicians about their beliefs in God, author Ayelet Waldman returning to Israel and reflecting on changes, the contemplation of sins during Yom Kippur through the Al Heyt prayer, and a musical selection from Shuli Rand's new record "Ratzoh va-Shov."
The Promised Podcast features a blend of new and archival discussions highlighting environmental awareness, with topics including politicians' beliefs in God and reflections on personal and political sins during the High Holidays.
In this episode of The Promised Podcast, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the controversial issues surrounding Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist and possible future Palestinian president leading a hunger strike, as well as the backlash over his New York Times op-ed.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings.