Tag: Propaganda

The essay criticizes the Palestinian propaganda's misleading use of maps to depict Israel as imperialist and colonialist.
The article explores the multifaceted relationship between Jewish figures and the iconic character of Donald Duck, examining how different individuals, from Russian director Sergei Eisenstein to American comedian Sid Caesar, utilized Donald Duck for various purposes, including as a vehicle for teaching moral and propaganda lessons during and after World War II.
In "Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind" by Annalee Newitz, the book explores how stories have been weaponized throughout history, particularly in the current era of social media and propaganda manipulation.
NGO Monitor exposes the questionable funding and practices of certain human rights organizations that are actively spreading lies and propaganda against Israel in an information war.
The Washington Post has been criticized for its reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically in a recent article that omitted key details about the captivity of Israeli hostages by Hamas.
Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games series, is releasing a prequel in 2025 that some readers speculate could be a commentary on the Israel-Hamas conflict due to the themes of propaganda and messaging in her writing.
The essay addresses the emergence of a new form of antisemitism that uses false equivalencies and distortions to paint Jews in a negative light.
The text discusses how some in the literary world are shifting from promoting freedom of expression to supporting propaganda by Hamas and Palestinian activism, often targeting individuals associated with Israel, particularly Jews, for bullying, banning, and boycotting.
The essay reflects on the intersection of feminism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, criticizing how some feminist movements prioritize supporting Palestine over condemning sexual violence against Jewish women in Israel.
The article discusses the fraudulent casualty figures reported by Hamas during the Israel-Hamas conflict, with a focus on the questionable accuracy of the numbers provided by the Gaza Health Ministry.
Peter Pomerantsev's book "How To Win An Information War" delves into the wartime propaganda tactics of individuals like Sefton Delmer, a foreign correspondent turned head of Special Operations for the British Political Warfare Executive during World War II.
The text discusses the battle of information and branding tactics in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, drawing parallels to marketing strategies outlined in the book "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind."
The article discusses the manipulation of language and historical narratives in the Palestinian propaganda complex to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.
The text discusses the issue of allowing lies and hatred to spread unchecked, particularly in relation to anti-Semitism targeting Jews, with a focus on the current situation in Israel and the Diaspora.
The article delves into the world of Arab media and its propagation of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic content, showcasing examples from various outlets in countries like Libya, Bahrain, and Iran.
An article highlights Israeli soldiers' consumption of Palestinian food in Gaza, sparking controversy and criticism.
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research has faced criticism after announcing a webinar series on the ideological link between Hamas and Nazism and Soviet antisemitism.
The Arabic version of Wikipedia has been accused of containing misinformation and biased content regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict.
TikTok is being highlighted as a platform influencing young individuals toward anti-Israel and anti-Western viewpoints through deliberate promotion of content by the Chinese Communist Party.
In a recent article, writer Shalom Auslander explores the misuse and dilution of the term "Nazi" in current discourse, cautioning against labeling individuals with nationalist or extreme right-wing beliefs as such.
The article discusses the issue of journalists in Gaza, particularly in relation to the recent conflict between Hamas and Israel.
The article discusses the war of information between Israel and the Palestinians, highlighting that this is the only war Israel cannot win.
The author of this commentary criticizes The New York Times for what they perceive as biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A new report from the National Contagion Research Institute suggests that TikTok, the popular social media platform, is being used to promote anti-Israel sentiment and geopolitical instability.
The article discusses the prevalence of deepfakes, which are digitally manipulated images or videos, in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza.