Tag: Public Health

Throughout history, Jews have faced and survived numerous epidemics.
The article discusses the challenges and inconsistencies in relying solely on "official science" during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, there are signs of progress towards the end of strict lockdown measures and a shift towards case-based mitigation.
The text appears to be a modern interpretation or reflection on Psalm 13, expressed in a fragmented style.
The "Journal of a Plague" column by Dr. Norman Doidge explores the ongoing pandemic, drawing parallels to historical plagues and discussing how our bodies and brains have evolved to deal with contagions over time.
The author recounts their experience battling COVID-19, detailing the strange and varied symptoms they and their family members faced.
The text discusses the ongoing national debate about balancing public health concerns with societal needs, highlighting the clashes between these viewpoints leading to attacks on each side's empathy and compassion.
The article discusses the health risks associated with vaping, especially with THC-containing products like e-cigarettes.
The text discusses the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and emphasizes that while there is no current vaccine or medication against the virus, simple non-pharmacological interventions are effective in preventing its spread.
The text discusses the current wave of anti-vaccine hysteria and its impact on various communities, including Orthodox Jews.
Dr. Shira Efron from the RAND Corporation highlights the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza in a discussion with hosts Eli Kowaz and Evan Gottesman.