Tag: Qatar

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has clarified a controversial statement denying Qatar's financial support for Hamas, after initially indicating otherwise in a memo to Congress.
A bipartisan group of eight Congressmen, four Republicans, and four Democrats, sent a letter to UN ambassador Nikki Haley questioning her stance on Hamas after she claimed that Qatar, while not directly funding Hamas, allows Hamas political representatives to be based in the country.
Martin Indyk, a peace negotiator involved in Israeli-Palestinian relations, received a substantial $14.8 million from Qatar while working at the Brookings Institution, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest as Qatar supports Hamas, a group hostile to Israel and Mahmoud Abbas.
The author criticizes the corruption and incompetence present in soccer, drawing parallels between the sport and politics.
The article discusses the transition of power in Qatar from Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to his son Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who inherited not only vast wealth but also the influential Al Jazeera network.