Tag: R' Wittensteins

In this episode, the discussion delves into the Tanya's emphasis on performing mitzvot with pure intent, known as lishma, and the growing interest in the inner aspects of Torah, or pnimius, in modern times compared to the past.
This episode discusses whether calling Tanya "Chassidic Philosophy" is accurate and explores the differences between how individuals in the Chassidic and Litvish worlds approach fulfilling mitzvot.
This episode discusses the challenges people face in relating to Tisha b'Av and the Kinnos, exploring the reasons behind this difficulty.
This episode explores the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) to human society, particularly in terms of how AI differs from human intelligence and its impact on the economy and productivity in office work.
In this episode, the discussion delves into the profound impact of AI advancements and their resemblance to kishuf (sorcery) in Jewish tradition.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the new AI innovation called Chat GPT, exploring why some people feel threatened by its development and drawing parallels to fears similar to those of nuclear warfare during the Cold War.
In this episode, the discussion begins with an update on the Sassoon Codex, followed by insights into the later years of R' Elimelech's life and his interactions with R' Yaacov Yitzchok of Lanzhut.
The episode discusses the world's reaction to the capture of Eichmann, exploring how it was perceived at the time and the UN's response.
In this episode, the focus is on the capture of Adolf Eichmann, discussing his role in the Holocaust, why he is more synonymous with the genocide than his superior Kaltenbrunner, the mistakes that led to his apprehension, and why Eichmann was captured while others like Mengele evaded capture.
The Sassoon Codex, an important Jewish manuscript, is set to be auctioned by Sothebys with an estimated bid of 30 million.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on why Chassidus was more successful in countering the Haskala movement compared to the Hisnagdus movement.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on how Chassidus effectively countered the Haskalah movement.
This text discusses the interaction between Chassidus and Haskala in Czarist Russia, noting that Chassidus responded better to the challenges posed by Haskala than Hisnagdus.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on the integration of psychology and Torah, along with the challenges posed by contemporary society.
This episode explores the intersection of Mishlei (Proverbs) and Psychology, exploring the level of overlap and differences between the two fields.
In this discussion, the focus is on the Vilna Gaon's response to rationalistic thought, questioning whether rational thought should be completely avoided or if there are situations where it is necessary.
In this discussion, the focus is on the Jewish response to the Enlightenment movement, particularly examining the Vilna Gaon's perspective.
This episode explores the connection between Prophecy and the Mikdash, delving into their relationship and what it reveals about the structure of Prophecy.
This episode discusses the Rambam's perspective on Prophecy within the Torah, exploring the importance of Prophecy and the acceptance of the Rambam's views on this topic.
The episode delves into R' Elimelech's association with Lizhensk and the emergence of the Galitziner identity.
This episode discusses the challenges faced during the Chanukah story between the Greeks and Jews, exploring the unique aspects of this conflict compared to previous ones.
This episode explores the basic structure of Kabbalah with a focus on the Ari's contributions, as well as the innovations in Kabbalah and Avodas Hashem by the Besht.
This episode discusses the challenges in understanding Jewish history, particularly focusing on the role of Jewish historians.
This episode discusses the challenge of historical objectivity, particularly in the context of Jewish history.
This episode discusses Spinoza's pioneering call for religious tolerance and the subsequent evolution towards the separation of Church and State.