Tag: Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler

This compilation of rabbinic views and perspectives on the birth of the Jewish State provides insight into the diverse opinions within the Jewish community.
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's 130th Yahrtzeit provokes a reflection on the lifespan of his Torah im Derekh Eretz approach and its endurance.
The Winter 2018 edition of "Letters" touches on various topics.
Abraham Socher's essay "Is Repentance Possible?" discusses the debate on morality between Aristotelian virtue ethics and the Judeo-Christian obedience to laws and commands, highlighting the different views on the cultivation of inner virtue.
The text discusses the complexity of concepts like repentance, free will, virtue ethics, and moral development, focusing on the perspectives of various philosophers and Jewish thinkers such as Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler and Moses Maimonides.