Tag: Rabbi Mordechai Willig

The Torah does not explicitly address betting on the Super Bowl, but many rabbis disapprove of gambling, citing Talmudic teachings that frown upon it, though recreational betting may be viewed differently than professional gambling.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RCA Prenup, Rabbi Elazar Muskin discusses its impact on American Jewry with The Rabbinical Council of America and shares anecdotes highlighting the necessity of the prenuptial agreement to prevent cases of agunot.
Devora Steinmetz responds to Rabbi Saul Berman's essay on Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's influence on women's Talmud study.
A recent proclamation by 44 rabbis in Israel raised concerns about the Beth Din of America's halakhic prenuptial agreement, suggesting it might be problematic from a religious standpoint.