Tag: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

The tradition of boiling at least three eggs at a time to nullify blood spots is not explicitly mentioned in halachic sources like the Shulchan Aruch.
In this article, the author discusses Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's views on the exchange of imprisoned terrorists for hostages, focusing on the concept of pidyon shevuyim (the redemption or ransom of captives) in Jewish tradition.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef explores the question of whether it is permissible to exchange hostages for imprisoned terrorists.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a prominent halakhic thinker, addressed the question of whether Israel should release terrorists in exchange for hostages.
The text explores the revival of Jewish law (halachah) in modern Israel, showcasing how it has evolved to address not only individual and communal matters but also issues of national significance.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community in the UK, discusses the importance of taking breaks from Torah study.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, explores the unknown dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim in this first part of a series.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, discusses the concept of Providence/Hashgaa in the second part of a four-part episode.
This article discusses how Jewish thinkers reconcile the tension between determinism and human purpose.
The text discusses a video that appears to showcase traditional Mizrahi tunes for penitential prayers but is actually a political advertisement for the Shas party representing Mizrahi interests in Israel.
Yair Ettinger, a journalist and researcher, co-authored a book titled "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef" with Nissim Leon, examining the post-Rabbi Ovadia Yosef era of the Shas movement.
The book "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef," co-authored by Yair Ettinger and Nissim Leon, examines the challenges facing the Shas movement following the death of its prominent founder Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in 2013.
A recent Haaretz poll revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity in Israel surged by 11 percent after the botched Gaza flotilla raid, with confidence in his government also rising.