Tag: Rambam

The article discusses the practical principles of Stoicism and their relation to Maimonides' exploration of providence and theodicy in the Guide for the Perplexed.
In his teachings on the significance of the Shofar during the High Holidays, the Rav delved into the essence of the mitzvah, emphasizing the importance of both hearing the Shofar's sound and the intention behind blowing it.
In this article, Aryeh Klapper reflects on his deep connection to the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, known as "the Rav," and discusses the challenges of translating the Rav's works for a new generation.
The Orthodox Union's recent comprehensive responsum concerning professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has generated significant debate within the Jewish community.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's relationship with Maimonides can be seen through his reverence for the Mishneh Torah as a beloved halakhic code, which he defended passionately against detractors.
Rabbi Yosef Bronstein's article delves into the complexities of navigating halakhah and societal changes, particularly regarding gender roles in marriage.
In the discussion about the ideal Jewish marriage according to Rambam, different interpretations and approaches have emerged in modern times due to changing social realities.
In this text, the author discusses the debate between philosophers Crescas and Rambam from the Middle Ages regarding whether God can command belief in His existence.