Tag: Rambam

In this article, Baruch Lev Kelman explores the life and teachings of Hakham Jacob Templo, a prominent figure in Dutch Jewry during the 18th century.
Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian discusses insights on Jewish identity from the "teshubot" (responses) of Rabbi Ben-Tsion Abba Shaul.
In this video, Rabbi Amrom Nemeth discusses the differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi practices regarding kashrut (Jewish dietary laws).
In this video, Rabbi Isaac Sacca discusses the concept of truth, or "emet," in Jewish thought.
In this text, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig discusses Rambam's views on loving God and studying Torah, particularly in relation to the concept of teshuva (repentance).
In this Q&A session with Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the discussion revolves around the question of whether everyone should strive to become Haredim, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.
"A Guide to the Guide" by Rabbis Yosef Kohn and Yaakov Reinman offers a synopsis and summary of Maimonides' "Moreh Nevuchim."
Yeshiva University (YU) is now offering a master's degree program exclusively for Christian students, approved by YU's Roshei Yeshiva/Poskim.
In this discussion, the author explores the difference between the revered status of Rambam (Maimonides) and the beloved status of Rashi (Shlomo Yitzchaki) among Jewish scholars.
The article discusses the role of Targum Onqelos in the study of the Hebrew Bible, or Miqra.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck participated in a Q&A session where he discussed various topics related to Torah and Sephardic Jewish traditions.
This podcast episode delves into the concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and explores the distinctions between AI and human intelligence.
In "Appreciating Aggada: The Andalusian Tradition and Rav Kook's Ein Ayah", Avner Yeshurun explores the Aggada, a genre of Talmudic literature that incorporates non-legalistic and narrative teachings.
In this video lecture by Dr. Eliezer Papo, he discusses the 1492 expulsion of Jews from Spain and the impact it had on the Sephardic Jewish community.
In "The Authenticity of Kabbalah: Letters between Rabbi Kook & Rabbi Qafih," author Ben Rothstein explores the correspondence between two influential Jewish rabbis regarding the authenticity of Kabbalah.
In this video by Rabbi Naftali Haleva, the rich history and structure of the Turkish Jewish community are discussed.
Dr. Shana Strauch Schick discusses the concept of mivot (commandments) and whether they require intention or kavana.
Rabbi Amrom Nemeth discusses the principle of batel beshishim in kashrut.
In this text, Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the connection between the counting of the Omer and the famous Rabbi Aqiba.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck leads a Miqra study on the Book of Joshua.
Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian discusses the Haggadah and its role in educating children.
The misconception that an eved Ivri (Jewish servant) goes free in the shemitah year is incorrect.
In this article by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he explores the significance of Purim as an existential festival.
This episode discusses the Rambam's perspective on Prophecy within the Torah, exploring the importance of Prophecy and the acceptance of the Rambam's views on this topic.
This text discusses the controversy surrounding the figure of the Rambam (Maimonides) in Jewish history, questioning whether he was the most controversial person in Jewish history and exploring the reasons behind this controversy.