Tag: Rambam

Rabbi Ilan Acoca explores the topic of charity laws, focusing on the laws of charity in Jewish tradition.
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army service.
Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the Matsa Machine Controversy, focusing on the use of technology in the production of matzah.
This text discusses the role of charisma in communal leadership, contrasting figures like R Avrohom Kalisker and the Vilna Gaon with the Rambam, who sought to avoid communal leadership.
The Inbox section of a Jewish publication covers various topics: a response to an anti-Semitic attack in Zurich with a call for resilience and Jewish pride, a critique of stereotypes about parents and technology use, praise for a Yom Tov clothing piece, a plea for support for special-needs children, acknowledgment of historical roots of the Amud Yomi program, recognition of the Orasya Amud Yomi VChazara project, a discussion on the proper form of the Menorah, insights into neighborhood relationships and benefits, and an article about Rav Moshe Shapir.
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy discusses the personality traits of a Poseq (Jewish legal decisor) in this second part of the series.
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy discusses the personality traits of a Poseq (Jewish legal decisor) in a scholarly manner on a platform affiliated with the S&P Sephardi Community of the UK and other organizations.
The text delves into the complex relationship between Yishmael and the Jewish people, drawing parallels between historical events and current struggles with modern-day Palestinians.
In this episode, Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe discusses Maimonides' epistle on resurrection, explaining that there were questions and doubts about Maimonides' views during his lifetime.
The Etgar Quiz no 258 covers various Jewish-themed questions.
In a recent conversation on the Tikvah Podcast, Yehuda Halper and host Jonathan Silver discuss Moses Maimonides' philosophical masterpiece, "The Guide of the Perplexed" (Moreh ha Nevukhim).
Rabbi Shnayor Burton discusses the differing views of Rambam (Maimonides) and Shomer Emunim on the inception of the universe.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the nature of resurrection in Judaism.
In this conversation, Yehuda Halper, an Israeli professor of Jewish philosophy, joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to discuss the medieval rabbinic sage and Jewish philosopher Maimonides.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the concept of the chosen people in relation to Western values.
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the second part of the Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam.
The Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam, discussed by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, is a topic of conversation within the S&P Sephardi Community of the UK.
In this article, the author explores the significance of the Hanukkah candles and their relation to other Jewish rituals, such as Friday night kiddush and the four cups drunk at the Pesah seder.
In this text by Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo, he discusses the importance of Torah study (Talmud Torah) over physical combat.
In this video, Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the topic of musical instruments on Shabbat.
In this text, Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the significance of Thanksgiving and the culinary tradition of cooking turkeys.
Dayan Ofer Livnat discusses the different approaches to Tehillim (Psalms).
In this article, Baruch Lev Kelman explores the life and teachings of Hakham Jacob Templo, a prominent figure in Dutch Jewry during the 18th century.