Tag: Religious Discourse

In TanakhCast #239, the focus is on the importance of working together to study and understand the Tanakh, which is the Hebrew Bible.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts engage in a lighthearted discussion about their approach to studying the Tanakh.
The Reclaiming Torah u-Madda symposium aims to explore the past, present, and future of the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies).
In this text, David discusses the power of comedy and humor in revealing a mystical connectedness that helps us find meaning and build community in everyday experiences.
In the conversation titled "Talmud as an Agent of Chaos" with Ari Bergmann by 18Forty, the discussion likely explores the idea that the Talmud, a central text in Jewish tradition, has inherent chaos within it that serves a purpose in intellectual and spiritual growth.
TanakhCast #175 is part of a series where every two weeks, 4 chapters of the Tanakh, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, are explored.
In TanakhCast #132, the podcast delves into the full range of emotions found within the Tanakh, covering 4 chapters from Genesis to 2 Chronicles in each episode.
In episode 110 of TanakhCast, the discussion revolves around exploring and reflecting on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicles.
TanakhCast is a podcast that explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) every two weeks, spanning from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, though the journey may be lengthy.