Tag: Russian Revolution

Novelist Katya Apekina's second book, "Mother Doll," delves into matrilineal intergenerational trauma, featuring a darkly funny family saga involving a pregnant 20-something named Zhenia in Los Angeles and her Jewish Russian Revolutionary great-grandmother, Irina.
The article discusses the lineage and influence of the Schneersohn dynasty within Chabad.
The book "Lenin and Maimonides" explores the complex relationship between Judaism and Bolshevism through the lens of literature, history, and ideology.
The discussion centers around the concept of doublethink as manifested in the experiences of Jews in the context of Soviet history.
The text discusses the phenomenon of revolutionism among Russian intellectuals, particularly focusing on the love and veneration for revolution as an end in itself rather than a means to an end.
The article discusses the historical connection between Jewish ideals of peace and early 20th-century Jewish involvement in communism, particularly in the context of the Soviet Union.
The anthology "Everyday Jewish Life in Imperial Russia" offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of Russian Jews before the revolution.