Tag: Sanctions

The text discusses the harmful actions of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who's mentioned as showing a cold disregard for civilian lives in Gaza, exploiting civilian casualties as an advantage for Hamas during conflicts with Israel.
The Biden administration has imposed sanctions on Tsav 9, an Israeli group accused of obstructing humanitarian aid convoys bound for Gaza.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has yet to decide whether to sanction Israel over alleged human rights abuses by the Netzach Yehuda battalion within the Israel Defense Forces, despite reports suggesting otherwise.
The text outlines how a series of US actions, including re-entering the Iran nuclear deal and offering economic relief, has emboldened Iran and led to escalating tensions in the region, culminating in attacks against Israel.
Joe Biden marked the first anniversary of American journalist Evan Gershkovich's wrongful detention in Russia, promising to continue imposing costs on Russia for holding him on espionage charges without evidence.
President Joe Biden's recent sanctions targeting Israeli settlers involved in violence in the West Bank are seen as an attempt to address domestic discontent over US support for Israel amid its conflict in Gaza, rather than a comprehensive effort to curb settler violence.
The Biden administration's new sanctions aim to prevent U.S. donations from reaching extremist Israelis, potentially impacting charities like the Central Fund of Israel, which channels millions of dollars to Israeli nonprofits, some in the West Bank.
The text discusses US President Joe Biden's recent executive order imposing sanctions on Israeli settlers, warning of more to come, in response to alleged attacks on Palestinians.
In this article, Dr. Mitchell Bard discusses President Joe Biden's executive order declaring a national emergency to combat settler violence in the West Bank.
The recent actions by the Biden administration to suspend funding for UNRWA, the Palestinian refugee agency, and impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank have generated controversy.
President Biden has issued an executive order imposing financial sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been carrying out violent assaults against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden has signed an executive order to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank who have engaged in violence against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden has imposed strict sanctions on four Israeli settlers for their alleged violence against Palestinians and Israeli peace activists.
Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, a trustee for Zone 9 in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, is facing sanctions that prevent her from participating in board meetings and committees for three months due to alleged breaches of their code of conduct.
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid has criticized reports that a restored Iranian nuclear deal is nearing acceptance.
The article highlights Germany's complicated and often contradictory role in international politics, particularly regarding its stance towards Ukraine.
This article highlights the disconnect between the perception and reality of America's competition with China.
Jason Rezaian, a former hostage in Iran, shares his perspective on the reported nuclear deal being negotiated between Iran and world powers.
This article discusses why Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is a concerning issue.
The Trump administration's State Department plans to defund international non-profit organizations that support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
The United States has officially designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization, placing sanctions on the military entity deeply embedded within the Iranian regime.
President Trump has announced the U.S.'s exit from the Iran nuclear deal, reinstating sanctions, with reactions in Israel and the Gulf positive and Europe disappointed.
As the deadline for the Iran nuclear deal nears, President Trump must decide whether or not to waive sanctions on Iran.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order targeting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, requiring state agencies to divest from companies aligned with BDS.
The Iran Nuclear Agreement, reached on July 14, 2015, between Iran and the P-5 + 1 countries, sets strict limits on Iran's nuclear activities to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.