Tag: Satmar Hasidim

The article criticizes Mayor Bill de Blasio for singling out New York's Jewish community in enforcing social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the post-World War II period, Satmar Hasidim published the teachings of the Hatam Sofer with critical lines about the bein ha-shemashot period censored.
Samuel C. Heilman's book "Succession, Secession! Who Will Lead Us? The Story of Five Hasidic Dynasties in America" explores the notion of zera kodesh, or holy seed, within Hasidic communities, where genealogical sanctity plays a crucial role in determining successors to rebbes.
Professor Motti Inbari from the University of North Carolina Pembroke explores the radical ultra-Orthodox movements of Neturei Karta in Jerusalem and Satmar Hasidim in Brooklyn in his book "Jewish Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity, Zionism and Women's Equality."